School Nurse – Discussing Nutritious Food Groups


School Nurse – Discussing Nutritious Food Groups

Food is any material consumed to provide nutrition to the organisms. Food is generally of animal, plant or fungus origin, and has all necessary nutrients, including vitamins, fats, protein, carbohydrates and sugars. In a nutritionally balanced diet, the various food groups provide the body with energy, nutrients required for normal body functioning and growth, and all the important nutrients that are not present in other foods.

It is important for teachers to teach students what are the food sources and how they are used, along with teaching children about the different nutrients that are found in different foods. For example, teaching kids how much calcium they should get from their daily diet would be more effective when they learn about calcium by taking a supplemental vitamin. This information is important to keep track during a discussion about nutrition. Another good source of information for this subject would be the internet, where you will find a variety of online websites that provide easy access to the complete list of food sources and the nutrient content for each food group.

One of the best ways to keep track of what people are eating in terms of a balanced diet is by keeping a food diary or list of the types of food that are eaten regularly. List all of the types of food that are eaten, and then record the nutrient content for each of these food groups. This way, teachers and parents can make sure that kids are getting the proper amount of vitamins and other nutrients, as well as making sure that there is enough of the right kind of fat within the diet to keep the body healthy. The school nurse or the school principal should take a look at this information and create a health bulletin or letterhead that all students should carry with them on a regular basis so that everyone is aware of what types of food are contained in each serving of food.