Self Nutrition Facts
Self Nutrition facts is a web-based calculator by health magazine Self published by Phyllis Star Wilson, an American health magazine founded in 1979. Self published also means that it is distributed to subscribers only. Self published also means that the publication is usually peer reviewed and the information is not circulated to the wider community, except to people who are interested in the magazine. Self published also means that the nutritional values of the products being sold are not endorsed by any major manufacturer of the products.
Self Nutrition facts is a free web based calculator using which you can calculate the nutrient content of various foods and calculate the amount of calories needed for your body for a healthy diet. It also helps you in designing a healthy diet chart for a weekly meal plan. The value of a nutrient can be determined by using a drop-down list of its components. The Self Nutrition facts page will help you in calculating the amount of calories required by the body for a particular diet, the percentage of protein, fat, carbohydrate and the other nutrients in a food.
The Self nutrition facts page also helps you determine the balance between carbohydrates, fats, proteins and other nutrients. This page also discusses the benefits of eating a healthy diet, ways to maintain a healthy diet and ways to reduce eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. Self Nutrition facts page advises you on how to choose the best food items for your daily diet, what kinds of food to avoid and what foods should be included in a diet. Self nutrition includes calculation of calorie values of each of the food items and they also mention that the calorie value of an egg can be equivalent to 5 Calories of other food items.